Mr. Bradley's Men at Work

29/03/2019 14:06

Mr. Bradley's class presented us with a lovely assembly this week. It was entitled 'Men at Work' and the boys from Mr. Bradley's class each gave a demonstration of their woodworking skills. Mr. Richards, who teaches Woodwork to the senior classes, was also in attendance and he helped the boys operate some woodworking machinery. 

A variety of projects had been carried out in Mr. Bradley's class this year from jigsaws to name plaques. The class also made a huge jigsaw of each class in the school with Ms. Dunne and Mrs. McNally in the centre. It is a beautiful piece of work and will be displayed prominently in the school in the near future. 

Thanks to Mr. Bradley, Paddy, Kieran, Mr. Richards and all the boys for treating us to a lovely assembly.