Fundraising Events
Fundraising Events
As you know we, at Little Angels School, have been selected to be a benefactor of the funds raised from the North West 10K on the 5th of May 2019. As part of this we have to partake in an extensive fundraising drive with the other charities. As well as supporting events run by the other charities, we will be running our own events here in school. We are really going to need your support to make this a success.
So please save the dates and support us as the funds raised will be used to benefit all of the children at Little Angels School.
Thursday 28th March- Coffee Morning and Cake Sale at Little Angels.

This will run from 10.30 am until 2.00 pm in the school hall. We are looking for parents to bake for us and send in some nice treats that we can sell on the day. We also hope that as many friends and family will come along for a cuppa and a chat and support us on the day.
Friday 5th of April - Say Yes to the Dress at Little Angels 10.30 am -07.00 pm.

This will involve a sale of high quality dresses of all sizes and styles. We are reaching out for donations of high quality dresses that may be hanging in your wardrobes at home, that you no longer wear. Please ask everyone you can think of who may have some dresses that they will donate. We will need your support throughout the build-up and on the day itself to make this another success.
There is also a county wide street collection on 30th of March and a bag pack in Dunnes Stores Forte SC, Neil T Blaney Road, Letterkenny on the 20th of April - Holy Saturday. These events have been organised by our patron body, The Little Angels Association, who are also going to benefit from the monies raised. They are fundraising for a respite house which will be available to pupils and students of the school.
We are asking everyone to dig deep and support us with all these events as it is such a great opportunity for us at the school to raise some much needed funds. Please keep an eye on our social media for regular updates and feel free to contact the school if you have any questions.